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Josep Macizo

Partner. Operations Director

He is in charge. He oversees the agency’s projects, he is the playmaker, he charts the course to make sure that the team has guidelines and instructions, albeit without foregoing creative freedom. As he himself says, sharing always helps to give you a new take on things that helps you to move forward. He is a chef, and it’s obvious.
Esteban Jacobo

Partner. Project Director

He is also in charge. One of the brains behind the Vibra method: create flexible and effective processes to deal with large volumes of work with the same diligence as we apply when managing smaller amounts. The truth is that he is in love with the method. He plans jobs, establishes processes, organises the agenda, supervises timings and is an ace dresser.
Marco González

Founder. Creative Director

The vibrations started with him. He listens, analyses, thinks and decides the direction each project will take, the idea, the form, the art, the concept… Then he shares it with the team, lends a hand, refines ideas, suggests solutions, opens doors, teaches, trains and brings out the potential of each and every one of them. He is brilliant at working manually or digitally. He is methodical, a perfectionist and a collector of antique bicycles.
Amador Garrell

Design Director

He’s a veteran from a graphic bloodline. Design is in his DNA. He’s Amador Garrell Soto’s son and he began in the graphic world in the familiar printing plant where he was a typesetter. “There was something of designing in there”, he defends. He studied in Escola Massana (Barcelona), worked in studies and advertising agencies from late 70’s until the 90’s, when he became a freelance. He has done corporate identities, logotypes, graphic advertising, comercial labels, packaging or art direction for companies, brands, small businesses, public organisations, cultural institutions… He has done plenty of things and it’s a great honor to have him with us.
Josep Carrizo

Digital Marketing

He handles the digital side of the agency: digital campaigns’ control and analytics, online marketing strategies, social media plans management and monitoring, SEO optimization, SEM administration… He is not a cyborg but he’s totally connected to bits and technology. He makes any 2.0 worry vanish with a mere smile.
Carles Herrero

Graphic Designer. Project Manager

Carles studied Graphic Design and Art at the EINA School in Barcelona and flexed his muscles in Costa Rica by working in advertising and, back in Barcelona, for various design studios. He is practised in editorial design, graphic communication, corporate visual identity and digital creativity. Gets around on a motorbike or cruiser.
Amparo Jusmet


Like a Titan, Amparo brings order to the sea of ​​invoices, payments, collections, additions, deletions and paperwork that overwhelms us. She governs the internal machinery of Vibra, and nothing disturbs her. Immutable. Constant and firm. Nothing is a problem and everything has a solution. The order that emanates from creative chaos.
Javier Porras

Graphic Designer. Type Designer

Give him a word and he will write it a thousand ways, each as wonderful as the last. Typography, lettering and calligraphy are his life. He is a multimedia design and production graduate. He also holds a postgrad qualification in advanced typography from the EINA design college and teaches calligraphy courses. We are ever so grateful to his secondary school teachers who kept giving him a hundred lines as a punishment.
Mario Guzmán

Graphic & 3D Designer

Holder of a Bachelor of Arts in Industrial and Product Design, Mario has experience in advertising, freelance work and design studies. He has the best 3D vision at Vibranding and is always ready to provide reliable, practical and much appreciated technical solutions. He loves old record players and old vinyl records and is currently rebuilding his collection of 50s jazz classics.
Daniel Ballesteros

Graphic Designer

He is a brother designer who likes supporting others and talking things through with them, as well as working on projects that give him more free rein. He is a nimble, reliable and stable engine. And an all-terrain machine: he manages, creates, develops and designs… He loves bloopers, plays-on-words and ironmongers. His vibes are in tune with the rest of us.
María Birba

Graphic Designer & Photographer

From Buenos Aires to Barcelona, with a touch of Galicia and Girona along the way. Trained at the University of Buenos Aires and the Fotodesign School, she is passionate about visual art and communication. Off screen, she embarks on wheeled adventures with road cycling and her creativity expands into the world of ceramics, where she brings to life unique jewelry. Additionally, she enjoys baking, sweetening the world with her personal touch.
Ale Veloso

Graphic Designer

Vibrant and explosive; both she and her creativity or her work. She is agile, determined, witty, and joyful. Capable of finding that unusual approach that fills any design with magic and projects it toward infinity. At night, she looks at the stars wishing for Ultra-Man’s arrival. During the day, she imagines that in some super-secret laboratory, they are building Mazinger Z.
Núria Balagué

Graphic Designer

She studied Forestry Engineering for two years, but insects and math made her change course. She soon discovered that her true path was in graphic design, where she has worked on visual identity and communication projects. What she enjoys the most is transforming something unattractive into something beautiful and effective. If she tells you that you look like someone famous, don’t worry… it’s her useless superpower!
María Rodríguez

Graphic Designer

With a degree in Fine Arts and a master’s in Graphic Production and Packaging. Her creativity shines with modesty and discretion, yet intensely. She loves the sea (as any good Galician does), but above all, she is passionate about brooches. She never leaves the house without one. She sees the world with different eyes. Her Instagram is a festival of pareidolia.

Gato ex machina

A refugee from Melmac. He landed at Vibranding following a mystic connection of intergalactic vibrations. He is the catalyst of the studio’s creativity and working spirit. Although many don’t believe it, without Briefing nothing makes sense. His favourite goodies are soma candies. He is vegan and loves disguising.
Make us vibrate

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